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Alumni Reconnect Program

YWAM Mazatlan is sending out a very special invitation to all "retired" YWAMers who would like to reconnect with their YWAM family again! We believe it's on God's heart to see all generations ministering together, and for that reason we are asking the Lord to send us your generation. We value your life experience, the wisdom you have and want you to know there's a place at YWAM Mazatlan for you!

Do you have a heart to mentor or coach the younger generations? Come!

Do you desire to use your gifts, skills and expertise to help a ministry grow? Come!

Are you looking for a place where you can share, teach and impart the principles God has shown you over the course of your life? Come!

Do you have a certain passion you desire to use in missions?

Do you desire to reconnect with YWAM by becoming staff?

Artios Internship


Why An Internship 

One of YWAM’s international values is DO FIRST, THEN TEACH -- “YWAM is committed to doing first, then teaching. We believe that firsthand experience gives authority to our words. Godly character and a call from God are more important than an individual’s gifts, abilities, and expertise.” 

The goal of the Artios Internship is to give you firsthand “on the job” experience and to help further develop Godly character in you while focusing on your leadership skills. 

To “do first, then teach” means we need to slow down and be intentional with what we do and how we do it, so the learning process can take place. The 12-week internship will allow you the time and space to do this. 

Our YWAM campus is a dynamic “live/learn” environment meaning, we live together and learn together at the same time. Living like this is what makes our DTS experience extra special and it's what will make your internship more impactful. 

You’ll fully integrate with our YWAM community and experience firsthand what it’s like to be a missionary ‘on the field’. The work training, along with the rich teaching times, will help you become fully prepared to be Staff at YWAM Mazatlan if you choose to do so after the Internship.

The Meaning Behind The Name

As we prayed about the internship and asked the Lord what was on His heart for it, we were led to the passage in 2 Timothy 2 where Paul is writing to Timothy, a young leader in the making, about what it means to be a reliable person and one who is qualified to teach or lead others. 

Paul gives 3 analogies; a soldier, an athlete, and a hard-working farmer (2 Tim. 2:3-6). This was to be the ‘framework’ or the curriculum outline of the internship. 

Later in 2 Timothy 3:17, we see that all Timothy’s training up until that point was so that he would be “thoroughly equipped”. 

The Greek word used here is 

Άρτιος -- ARTIOS (AR TAY OS) = to be complete; ready because (you’ve been) prepared. 

We knew this word ARTIOS summed up what we felt the Lord was wanting to accomplish through our 12 weeks together. That at the end of it, you would find yourself ready because you’ve been prepared.

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Secondary Schools

Art Evangelist School

The Art Evangelist School (AES) is designed for those who love God and have a heart for creativity at any level. We believe that visual artist have a God-given role and place in every sphere of society, people group, generation, and nation. In this school, we study various art mediums primarily focused on visual arts and unpack what it means to be a godly artist, someone who creates from the beauty and life that is inside of them. 

Our aim is to train you, the artist, to be an effective cross-cultural evangelist-that you’d seek to display the splendor of God to the nations through visual arts, and be able to work as an individual and also in unity as part of a team. We do this in submission to and including the Holy Spirit in the creative process in order to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and minister truth to any culture.

In YWAM we provide a live-learn environment. We believe that when you're able to apply something to your life, you learn it at a deeper level. To be an artist, it’s not enough to just study art therapy. Likewise, in order to be a godly-artist we believe you also need to apply God’s truth to your life.

The AES includes two phases-lecture phase and outreach phase-that will grow you in your artistic ability as well as your character as an artist. Both phases are specifically designed for you to be able to better live out your passions and calling, and we believe that everyone has the potential to use art as a tool for sharing God’s love.

Bible School for the Nations

School of Worship

Prophetic Wise School

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Build Beyond

Now that you have seen with your own eyes the vision and call of YWAM Mazatlan, you have a chance to continue being a part of it. As you have felt the impact of being involved with our global family, we want to keep growing. 

Our mission is to train 5,000 students per year in order to engage, transform, and mobilize the nations. We currently are able to house around ____ students on our campus and its still expanding. We are looking to purchase the properties surrounding our current buildings. We have a video on our instagram page that you can check out if you haven’t seen yet!

These new properties will provide more space to build classrooms, offices, and general housing for all who come to join us.But, we need your help and generosity in order to make that happen. You can join in on building beyond for future generations of YWAM Mazatlan by clicking here to make a financial investment!

Stay connected and build beyond with us!