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Causes Overview

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Homes of Hope

Support our Homes of Hope ministry today and be part of bringing hope to poor and marginalized communities in Mazatlan, Mexico, and beyond.

YWAM Ships Mazatlan

Every time you donate to YWAM Ships Mazatlan, you further enable our ministry to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of isolated and hard to reach communities.

Your contribution will have a long-lasting impact, allowing us to construct homes and shelters, run medical clinics, distribute Bibles, and do community development projects.

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Build Beyond

Partner with us by making a donation to our "Build Beyond" Capital Campaign as we endeavor to build a world-class missionary training campus.

Your contribution will help us expand beyond our current facilities and allow us to equip and send out up to 5000 missionaries a year, as well as house countless short-term teams that come to share the love of Christ in our city.

Bibles for Mexico

We believe that everyone has the right to have a Bible in their own language.

Believe it or not, many people and communities throughout the world do not have access to the word of God. It is necessary for us to take it to them regardless of their language or location. Bibles for Mexico seeks to put a Bible in every home, starting first with the city of Mazatlan.

Knowing and understanding the Bible is essential to social, personal, and family transformation. Become a donor today and help bring these transformational truths right to the front door of those who have no access to it.

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We are an operational center for the assistance and integral development of children. Racham is a Hebrew word that means compassion and leads us to the action for the benefit of the other. We are a safe space, where the identity of each child is awakened, and they discover their capabilities and value. We seek and promote working together with families and the community, where they discover their purpose in life and secure their rights as citizens.

Remnant Surf and Skate

A group of surfers and skaters passionate about the love of God! From skate competitions to Saturdays at the local beach teaching kids how to surf, this ministry focuses on discipling kids in their passions.


FAQ's and Resources

Have other questions? Email us at schools@ywammazatlan.com

How fluent do I need to be in Spanish or English?

We are a completely bilingual campus! Meaning, speaking only Spanish or English will be more than enough.  If neither Spanish nor English is your first language, you just need to comprehend and/or speak one.  That being said, we’ve had students in the past that weren’t fluent in either of our languages, and they’ve been willing, amazing people that brought amazing life and culture to our base family. Pray about it! We don't want to hold you back if you're called here.

How far away will I be from everything?

What are the eating/cooking arrangements?

Is there a dress code on the base?

How much luggage can I bring?

What kind of clothes should I bring?

How do I raise money for my DTS/Secondary School?

What is the weather like in Mazatlan?

How do I pay for my school?

Is there phone or internet access?

How much spending money will I need?

What’s supplied in my room?

How should I bring my spending money?

What about laundry?

Is it safe?

Is there any way I can prepare for outreach before coming?

Biggest recommendation?

After Hope, After the Home (Video)

After Hope, After the Home (Video)

How God Called My Family to YWAM Ships Mazatlan

How God Called My Family to YWAM Ships Mazatlan

A Brief Introduction to YWAM

A Brief Introduction to YWAM