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P2820135 (2)

School of Frontier Missions

To see the gospel reach every person, tongue, tribe and nation.

Our passion is to see the Great Commission completed.

The School of Frontier Missions is created to be a school where the student can learn real skills that will allow them to thrive and minister effectively in an unreached context. This school is specifically designed to prepare missionaries to create disciples among unreached people groups; groups that have not yet had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. It is estimated that currently 80% of Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims do not know any Christians and do not have access to any church. The vision is to equip missionaries with specific resources, according to their calling, to reach people with little or no access to the Gospel.

Successful completion of a Discipleship Training School is a prerequisite for SOFM.

This is a bilingual school – English and Spanish. 


Lecture Phase

The School of Frontier Missions is a 12 weeks training focused on developing the missionary to act in his specific calling. From the first week we start to work on the vision project which consists of developing a project/ministry for a specific place according to the dreams, gifts and talents that God has placed within each one. During school students receive tools to be in another culture reaching out to those who have little or no access to the gospel and make disciples among them.

Outreach Phase

The Outreach Phase consists of two-months that can be extended up to 2 years.
In this phase you will carry out the ministry project developed during your lecture phase. The length and location of the outreach will be determined according to your own ministry vision.
The outreach provides a place where you can begin to put into practice principles that have been learned during the lecture phase and will allow you to minister effectively in an unreached context. 

Topics you'll cover

How to adapt to a new culture and acquire a new language
Basic tenets of the major world religions, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu
How to plant a church and make disciples among the unreached

How God can use our professional career as a creative way to enter in a closed country

Understand fundraising as part of the missions task and create a plan for

To develop God's vision to plan projects and establish pioneering ministry


Dates and Costs



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