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Mission Builders

Do you have a heart to serve here?

If you have professional skills, great! If not, we will show you what to do.

Come volunteer with us! Mission building gives you a snapshot of what it is to live in a YWAM Base and to serve in missions. Mission builders serve in areas around the base with our staff and students, while being part of our community activities such as worship, intercession and community outreach. This is a full program where individuals work, have fun, fellowship, enjoy “family” meetings with worship and guest speakers, and can enjoy discovering beautiful Mazatlán each weekend you are with us.

Our Mission Builder volunteers work in positions where it greatly blesses the campus to meet the daily needs of the staff, students and teams that come through our gates. Our Mission Builders work hard and have fun. They truly are servants for the Lord and we love them!

The current areas of service include the kitchen, grounds, maintenance, housekeeping, administrative office positions, within the IT and media teams, preparing our medical ship, translation. 

Our volunteer program is a set commitment period of minimum 2 weeks up to 3 months, with specific arrival and departure dates, where you will serve in any of these critical departments on campus for the time you are with us. This program will be filled with fellowship and friendship where you can connect with other Christians from all around the world ~ a once in a lifetime experience!

Please note that there may be other serving opportunities available such as teaching English to the local community or working within other departments, when filling in the form to come and mission build please provide any skills or ministry and work experience you may consider relevant to your application.

Volunteer Requirements

Proficient English or Spanish language skills. Be at least 18 years old, in good health (able to work 40 hours per week – 8 hours per day) and willing to serve in any capacity.

What will your day look like:

In addition to our work we attend:

Mission Builders "Read Me"


Our Volunteers Must

  • Have a minimum level of English language proficiency in order to be able to join us. We ask that your English or Spanish language skills are at fluent-level as this is essential for you to be able to fully participate during your time serving here with us.
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 75 years of age
  • Be in good health (able to work 40 hours per week – 8 hours per day)
  • Have a heart to serve in any capacity
  • Pay for your time with us before arrival

Accommodation and Meals

All our volunteers must pay a fee per night to the base.

Meals are provided by our campus kitchen, where we serve three meals a day including breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Accommodation is on our campus. Volunteers are designated rooms according to marital status which is in line with our Christian ethos and campus policy. You will be staying in dormitory style accommodation with bunk beds, sharing rooms with up to 10 people of the same sex. Each room has its own bathroom. Coin operated laundry facilities are available on campus, as well as common areas.


We love that living in a community cultivates fellowship and friendship during your time with us in Mazatlan. With many people coming through YWAM Mazatlan from all over the world, it’s a place where you can make life-long friendships and have an experience you will never forget!

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Want more information? Fill out the form below!
