Learn how to use business as mission
The Transformational Business Seminar (TBS) teaches you to start and run a godly, profitable business with the purpose of bringing God's kingdom to earth. This seminar is designed for those that have a passion for knowing God and making him known, interest in fulfilling the Great Commission to the nations, and a passion/interest in business.
This seminar will offer teaching from experienced business owners who have been involved in Business as Missions or have extensive experience in business. You will also learn how to use business to reach people of different cultures.
The TBS belongs to the international Business With A Mission (BWAM) ministry of Youth With A Mission that convenes, trains, and establishes networks to take the gospel to the most unreached people groups in the world using business. The TBS is also designed for entrepreneurs desiring to apply biblical principles to their businesses as well as encourage Christian businesspeople to be more actively involved in the Great Commission.
Successful completion of a Discipleship Training School is NOT a prerequisite for TBS.
This is a bilingual course offered in English and Spanish.
Monday- Friday 16-19hr (Mexico City time - CST)
Some topics you'll cover:
During this school you will have the opportunity to develop a step-by-step business plan for your business as well as a Kingdom Plan. In addition, we'll have a chance to analyze Business As Mission projects that are operating in different parts of the world and the keys to their longevity and success.
How to use business to reach people
Biblical worldview for business
God's heart for missions and for business
YWAM values in business (calling, covering, and commitment)
Hearing the voice of God in business
The spiritual power of money
Financial education
Vision and mission development
Research on business proposals and marketing
Course dynamics:
Online classes from Monday-Friday
Small groups to process classes and projects
Devotional times and missions meetings
New business opportunities and vision-casting time
Consultation for business plan development
Dates and Prices
Next Seminar
August 11th - September 20th, 2025
A Nation: $1,500 USD
B Nation: $1,250 USD
C Nation: $1,000 USD
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